Graphic designers everywhere always feel intimidated by their big shot role models. They will look for tips and advice from these revered masters and follow by heart every tips and nuanced wordings given them. So for the purpose of rekindling that inspiration and passion, let us start this article in a sort of an open letter to a promising, new creative designer wishing to breakout in an industry that is highly-competitive and very tough. Here goes:

Dear You:

At your young age, the creative output you just submitted shows a lot of promise. I am seeing in you not only creative flair but you are obviously gifted with natural artistic ability. Did you know that for us graphic designers, such ability is vital to make it in an industry that is competitive and tough? From reading books or exposing yourself to the works of really good designers, you can only learn much. But you must remember that among other abilities, you must have a grasp of what visually appeals and works for the look you are trying to achieve. 

I am happy that your work have shown a unique way of combining creativity and natural artistic ability with the business side of being a graphic designer. I mean from the heart, and it's good and will serve you for as long as you wish to stay as a designer. Remember, you will also be playing a large role as a marketing professional so you must know when to apply your art and design skills to the corporate world. Let's be honest, you will not live by art or design alone, you also must make a living out of your talent. So live with that. I am glad you are not like the rest of graphic designers who may be very creative yet their lack of business and advertising ken subtract from their otherwise impeccable credentials.

Remember that among us, graphic designers, we agree on a very sensible business purpose: graphic design is not only about artistic or creative expression of passion, we also communicate a message and graphic design allows us to powerfully and memorably evoke the brand message. So if you already worked with a client, you will already have noticed that they emphasise the need for you to use your skills in designing to present the message of their brand through your work in the most effective way possible. Unless you will work for your own, designing for businesses mean you will help your customers with design that work and make money.

Finally, remember what Steve Jobs said? “Stay hungry! Stay Foolish!” That's not just an advice to innovators. You can apply that message to you so always continue learning and expanding upon your skill sets. Don't settle for your stock knowledge at this point. Strive and you will reach far greater heights. Study the financial aspects of your trade, expose yourself to good website and graphic design works, join competitions. These are a few of the the things you can do to improve your currency as a graphic designer.

Sincerely, Your Favourite Graphic Designer

With that, you are on your way to join the big league who also started like you – fresh and promising. Graphic designers must start from zero, and always and must remain humble to stay in an otherwise very competitive sector.